
The SouthMed CV Final Conference “Communities of practice for the public value of culture in the Southern Mediterranean’ was held at BOZAR in Brussels, Belgium, on 10 April 2018, bringing the project to an end. From April 2015 to April 2018 SouthMed CV has showcased and strengthened the role of culture in fostering public spaces […]


MAHATTAT, which sets out the experience of the project ‘SouthMed CV – Communities of Practice for the Public Value of Culture in the Southern Mediterranean’, will be published in March 2018. The book comes with a comic by well-known Tunisian illustrator, artist and cartoonist Seïf Eddine Nechi, who also designed the book cover and illustrations. […]


Recently, a big event of the project “SouthMed CV- Communities of Practice for the Public Value of Culture in the Southern Mediterranean” took place in Amman, Jordan, between 1st and 4th December 2017. Different activities were held, the first one was the final meeting with the six organizations that conform the SouthMed CV Consortium: Interarts, […]

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Under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein, SouthMed CV will hold a regional conference in the Royal Cultural Center in Amman, Jordan on the 3rd and 4th of December 2017. The conference will bring together representatives of 30 cultural projects sub-granted by SouthMed CV during the past 2 years, as well […]


Between the 25th of September and the 10th of October 2017, within the MADRASSA programme, a series of training sessions and residencies of contemporary curatorial practices has taken place across the MENA region: Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and Jordan. The programme was launched in 2015 by Atelier de l’Observatoire from Casablanca, and the second edition is […]


Interarts launches a call for professionals with proven experience in the evaluation of cultural cooperation and development programmes and projects in the Southern Mediterranean region, to carry out an external evaluation of SouthMedCV – a three year’ EU co-funded project within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture. The overall objective of SouthMed CV […]


Between June 11th and 14th, SouthMed CV coordination team visited Amman, Jordan, where a meeting was held between Consortium leader Interarts and Jordanian Partner NCCA- National center of culture and Arts, to plan SouthMed CV’s final conference in the region that will take place beginning of December 2017 in Amman. The event will be attended […]


Between the 28th of March and the 1st of April 2017, SouthMed CV held an encounter in Tunis (Tunisia), about capacity building and mobility for the sub-granted projects of the 2nd call. It was hosted by BAC Art Centre, and organized by Interarts and BAC Art Centre. Representatives of 20 of the sub-granted projects attended […]


Following the close of the 2nd call on October 26th, the SouthMed CV evaluation commission has evaluated the 160 applications received from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisa, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon. The last evaluation session took place during the SouthMed CV partners’ and MedCulture meeting in Amman from 6 to 9 December. The evaluation results are herewith […]


To bring more awareness to Palestinian children about their rights, specifically when it comes to school violence, violence faced at checkpoints, and the rights of children with disabilities regarding the accessibility to school and education is the aim of ´´Children´s voices heard through art´´, a project led by DCI Palestine in partnership with Yafa cultural […]


´´Participatory research and artistic divulgation of Intangible Cultural Heritage associated to Chefchaouen Mediterranean Diet´´ project aims to research and recover Chaouen´s traditions related to food and way of life, and to encourage and bring awareness about the importance of intergenerational exchange and transmission of knowledge related to culinary and linguistic traditions. The project started out […]


The second call for Projects from SouthMed CV was closed on the 27th of October at 12 pm (GMT). We received 161 applications from the following countries (in order of the number of applications received from each): Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon and Algeria. The evaluation process will now begin and the results are […]


Following problems with the connection experienced in some of the beneficiary countries, the SouthMed CV consortium has decided to re-open the 2nd call and extend it for an extra 48 hours. Consequently, the call will be open from today, 12pm GMT time, and until Thursday the 27th of October, 12pm GMT time.


Effective Writers is a capacity building project for writers with disabilities led by The Social Development forum (Gaza, Palestine) in partnership with Fanni Raghman Anni (Tunisia) and the general union of Palestinian Writers implemented in the West Bank, Gaza and in Tunis. It aims to develop the writing abilities of disabled writers, providing them with a […]


Youth for the environment is a capacity building project by Young Palestinian Filmmakers Society, which aims to provide skilled young filmmakers with more knowledge and training in documentary filmmaking, while aiming for the final product of the project to be documentaries focusing on environmental issues in general, specifically in Palestine. The project started in March, […]


Think Tanger is a project lead by Arty Farty Tanger, in partnership with Technoparc and Racines. The project aims at developing the cultural and artistic awareness in Tanger-Morocco, a city that is witnessing a big urban change, economically and artistically. ´´Think Tanger´´ aims at bringing together artists, cultural operators, thinkers and entrepreneurs in order to […]


´´The Preservation of Cultural Heritage from extinction´´ is a project done by Women´s House Development center, in Anabta, Palestine, in partnership with Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare. The idea behind the project is to try to recover and preserve old traditional songs from Palestine, which are fading away with time because of […]


Go Pro is the graduation project of Al Harah Theatre´s Performing Arts Training Center (PARC), based in Beit Jala, West bank, where 25 students specializing in scenography, lighting, sound, costume design, stage management and cultural projects´ management  had the chance to produce 4 theatrical plays on their own, working side by side with amateur actors […]


In order to cover the costs of representatives of the First Call’s sub-granted projects attend and participate in the Mobility programme in Tunisia and Lebanon next April, an amount totalising 5% of the nineteen SouthMed CV grants will be made available. In this document you can see the amounts dedicated to the financing of the […]


“The Greenhouse” , a platform for artistic experimentation in Casablanca’s public space, Morocco; “Go Pro”, incubator of artistic activities implemented in Palestine; and “Sail”, cultural project dealing with reintegration of Tunisian under-age children with legal problems, are the three projects that obtained the highest marks in the evaluation process of the first call for proposals […]


Interarts, which coordinates SouthMed CV, announces the sub-granted projects and its beneficiaries. The number of submitted projects scoring above the threshold mark of 75/100 points has outnumbered the expectations. The allowed amount for the call being 500.000€, compelling the Assessment commission to grant ONLY those submitted and eligible proposals with a scored mark equal or […]


The first call launched by SouthMed CV in August to finance cultural and artistic projects in the southern Mediterranean reached its closing date on 2 November. Now begins the phase of assessment and selection of the received initiatives. In total, 154 proposals were submitted from the eligible countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and […]

Toni Artissimo

SouthMed CV project coordinator Toni Cots was in Algeria, one of the beneficiary countries of this initiative, to present the project´s mission and objectives to cultural operators. Particularly, details of the current call for funding of cultural and artistic projects that help in strengthening the role of culture at local, national and regional levels or […]