SouthMed CV – 2nd Call Final Evaluation Results


Following the close of the 2nd call on October 26th, the SouthMed CV evaluation commission has evaluated the 160 applications received from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisa, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine and Lebanon. The last evaluation session took place during the SouthMed CV partners’ and MedCulture meeting in Amman from 6 to 9 December.

The evaluation results are herewith published:

  1. Of the 160 submitted applications, 56 project proposals were assessed as not eligible since they did not comply with the call guidelines and/or budget requirements.
  2. 104 submitted applications were assessed as eligible and were graded according to the evaluation criteria: 46 of these project proposals scored a mark under the threshhold of 75/100 and, consequently, were not selected; 58 of these submitted applications scored a mark equal or higher than 75/100, and were admitted to the final phase of the evaluation, of which, 29 project proposals were not awarded.
  3. In compliance with the evaluation criteria and the 1.000.000€ financial provison for the 2nd call, 22 project proposals have been selected for the award of a grant.
  4. A further 7 proposals have been included in a reserve list: projects in this reserve list might eventually be awarded a grant, ONLY if any of the 22 grantees is not able to sign the contract and/or implement the awarded project within three months following the publication and communication of the results.

SouthMed CV reserves the right not to award all available funds if the grantees are not capable of implementing their projects according to the selection criteria and the 2nd Call Guidelines.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.