SouthMed CV aims to bring culture from the margins to the center of the public sphere in the Southern Mediterranean, exploring its potential connections with economic, social and political development strategies.
This project has emerged from the observation and analysis of the diversity of cultural contexts and practices, linked to multiple imaginaries in the Southern Mediterranean, and the need to enhance the professional capacities of cultural operators, practitioners and organisations active in this field.
In the light of existing international, EU and regional strategies for sustainable development (e.g. the MDGs, the EU’s Europe 2020 strategy, European Agenda for Culture and Neighbourhood Policy, the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, etc.), the project aims to address the aforementioned needs by implementing a range of diverse activities with a strong demonstrative and communication potential, with integrated learning, knowledge partnership and networking dimensions.
SouthMed CV is co-funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.