Under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein, SouthMed CV will hold a regional conference in the Royal Cultural Center in Amman, Jordan on the 3rd and 4th of December 2017. The conference will bring together representatives of 30 cultural projects sub-granted by SouthMed CV during the past 2 years, as well as local public authorities, cultural practitioners, artists, academics, international experts in the field of culture and development, and representatives the EU and the Southern Mediterranean countries’ institutions in Jordan.
During the conference, two different panels reflecting on the culture as a vector for development in the Southern Mediterranean region with the participation of experts from the Euro-Mediterranean region will be held. Moreover, group discussions among the SouthMed CV sub-grantees, speakers and the audience on cross border cooperation to foster the emergence of citizen platforms, new models for public-private partnerships, culture as an instrument to lead changes, creative economy in the Southern Mediterranean region, among other issues, will take place.
The conference is open to the public. The registration will take place at the Royal Cultural Center on the 3rd of December, at 9 am.
During the past 2 years, SouthMed CV has launched 2 calls for applications, sub-granted 38 artistic and cultural projects in the Southern Mediterranean region, reaching 118 associations and organizations from 7 countries, and engaging thousands of cultural practitioners and audience.
Click here to download the Conference Programme.
SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.
Photo by freshwater2006, published under Creative Commons Licence, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0). No changes were made to the picture.