
During the second call for projects, that was launched on the 9th of September and was closed of the 26th of October after an extension of 2 days, SouthMed CV received 160 applications, 41 from Tunisia, 34 from Morocco, 24 from Jordan, 21 from Palestine, 14 from Egypt, 14 from Lebanon and 12 from Algeria. A diverse set of themes are covered, ranging from dance, theatre, film, contemporary art to cultural heritage, cultural diversity, education and environment. Many project proposals aim at network building, cultural mapping and cultural exchange within the region, and some are about capacity building and supporting cultural operators and artists. The evaluation process is taking place and the results are expected to be announced in December after a partner´s meeting which will take place in Amman, Jordan and will be attended by the members of the consortium and the project steering committee. The results will be announced through the SouthMed CV webpage.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


The second call for Projects from SouthMed CV was closed on the 27th of October at 12 pm (GMT). We received 161 applications from the following countries (in order of the number of applications received from each): Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon and Algeria.

The evaluation process will now begin and the results are expected to be announced on the 19th of December 2016.


Following problems with the connection experienced in some of the beneficiary countries, the SouthMed CV consortium has decided to re-open the 2nd call and extend it for an extra 48 hours.

Consequently, the call will be open from today, 12pm GMT time, and until Thursday the 27th of October, 12pm GMT time.


On Friday, September 9th 2016, SouthMed CV launches the second call for funding innovative, creative cultural and artistic projects from the Southern Mediterranean region: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia. Projects focusing on the role of art and culture in the social, educational and environmental contexts will be the main beneficiaries of the grants, especially projects having an impact on public space and strengthening the networking abilities and building capacities of cultural operators in the Southern Mediterranean. This second call contains three lots, as compared to the first call that contained only two. This broadens the variety of projects eligible.

Links and attachments:

Click here to download the call for proposals as a single pdf file (0,4 MB)

Go to: presentation, grants guidelines, evaluation criteria, application form

Photo credits @Blandine Soulage


Effective Writers is a capacity building project for writers with disabilities led by The Social Development forum (Gaza, Palestine) in partnership with Fanni Raghman Anni (Tunisia) and the general union of Palestinian Writers implemented in the West Bank, Gaza and in Tunis. It aims to develop the writing abilities of disabled writers, providing them with a platform through which they can express themselves, and publish their writings.

The project started with a call for participation, for aspiring writers with disabilities, in the three locations of implementation of the project. Once the young writers were chosen, workshops and training cycles took place, where the candidates learned to develop their writing styles, and courses of creative and applied writing were given. Meetings and talks with well-known writers from the Arab region took place, which allowed the aspiring writers to interact with experts in the field, in order to develop their knowledge about writing, and by connecting with these writers, express the difficulties they face as writers with disabilities.

In August, with all the writings produced during the workshops, a platform was created for aspiring writers, with or without disabilities, to publish their poems, writings, short stories etc. The platform now contains writings produced by the candidates, and is progressively receiving more entries.

At the end of August, the project ended with the publication of a book, containing the writings of the participants in the project, hoping that this book will launch these aspiring writers into the professional sphere, becoming a step towards a writing career, and a more inclusive society, that welcomes people with disabilities into the cultural community and provides them with equal opportunities as others.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


El Medreb is a project by Chrysalide in partnership with Sayka and in cooperation with Jiser, aiming to research abandoned buildings in Al Hamma district, in Algiers, and reviving them as ephemeral cultural places.

The process began by researching Al Hamma, this neighbourhood that once was a very important industrial centre, now is a decaying abandoned place. Research was conducted about Al Hamma´s abandoned buildings, cinemas, hangars etc. In order to gather information, the team led field research, during which they met locals from the neighbourhood as well as scholars, researchers and experts. A visit was later planned to Al Hamma, where the inhabitants of the neighbourhood guided the research team by sharing stories and experiences with them.

After the research stage, a second stage took place, which consisted of the transformation of 2 abandoned hangars into cultural spaces during 9 days. Movie screenings, theatre, graffiti based on urban stories, parkour performances, collective memory exhibitions, as well as workshops and roundtables, took place in these 2 hangars, from the 14th until the 22nd of September 2016. This brought together artists, experts, and inhabitants of the neighbourhood, to celebrate these abandoned places and bring them back to life. El Medreb transformed the 2 hangars, physically and conceptually. Now they are not seen as abandoned places anymore, this has been a step forward towards the revival of the neighbourhood.

From the research conducted, a database is being built containing a collective memory. Many people are being involved in the mapping and the creation of this database, by contributing through the EL Medreb´s Facebook group, where they can submit maps, photos, and stories, information about abandoned buildings in Al Hamma.

By the end of the project, all that information will be available on the EL Medreb website, alongside a map that shows the research team´s findings and the public’s contribution. The main aim is to revive this area completely and use it as a social and cultural space, to bring culture to the people living there and allow them to manage it in a sustainable way.


Youth for the environment is a capacity building project by Young Palestinian Filmmakers Society, which aims to provide skilled young filmmakers with more knowledge and training in documentary filmmaking, while aiming for the final product of the project to be documentaries focusing on environmental issues in general, specifically in Palestine.

The project started in March, and ended in September. Seven months, during which, 11 young participants received intensive workshops about development of ideas, research, script writing, team building, production and technical aspects such as lighting, sound, camera and cinematography. In addition to this, the participants were prepared for producing documentaries about environmental issues in Palestine, by receiving intensive lectures about that topic. After the training sessions and the workshops, the participants went on to start the production of their documentaries, filming in different locations in Palestine and focusing on specific themes such as pollution in the Green Valley as a result of the Israeli settlements, solid waste mismanagement, abandoning of agriculture lands in Hebron due to water shortages, etc.

The five documentaries produced are: ´´Chaos´´, ´´Dry Land´´, ´´Dust of Death´´, ´´Wadi Qana, the Drying Oasis ´´ and ´´Waiting for the Starling Bird´´.

The five documentaries toured different venues between the 19th and the 24th of September, there were discussion panels after each screening where the public intervened and gave their opinion about the issues presented.  The closing event was held on the 26th of September in Ramallah, where the participants received their certificates and a discussion was held about filmmaking and environmental issues in Palestine.

This project is led by Young Palestinian Filmmakers, in partnership with Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre and Cinema Jenin.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


Interactive Theatre as Tool for Social Change is a project by The Freedom Theatre in partnership with Ashtar Theatre, aiming to use theatre to interact with people and to push for political and social change.

The project consisted of street theatre, forum plays and playback theatre, which involve audiences in the act of creation and allows them to interact and express themselves. The Freedom Theatre performed a series of playback theatre, during which the audience participated by telling an experience, that the actors then had to turn into a performance. From these stories told in the interactive plays, the play Return to Palestine was written and produced, and then performed in the streets and in settings that are very accessible to the public, in different cities and refugee camps in the west bank, and in Refugee camps in Jordan, as well as in Amman.

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Return to Palestine was performed by 6 theatre students coming from different parts of Palestine. These 6 actors, received workshops and training to develop and deepen their knowledge of this kind of interactive theatre.

The play was performed 16 times in different cities the West Bank and reached 1900 spectators of all age groups.

In addition, the partner in this project, Ashtar Theatre performed Machine and Hammer, Gaza Monologues and Syrian monologues in different areas in the West Bank.

The project also included a tour with workshops and performances in Jordan, specifically, in Refugee camps and in Amman.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


Think Tanger is a project lead by Arty Farty Tanger, in partnership with Technoparc and Racines. The project aims at developing the cultural and artistic awareness in Tanger-Morocco, a city that is witnessing a big urban change, economically and artistically.

´´Think Tanger´´ aims at bringing together artists, cultural operators, thinkers and entrepreneurs in order to create collaborations and help the cultural and artistic sectors to evolve. The project included conference cycles, capacity building and training sessions, and international artistic residencies. The conferences and roundtables addressed issues regarding the topics of Cultural Policies, Tanger as a changing city, etc. Two training workshops about managing and executing cultural projects, took place in April and in July. Moreover, five artists participated in the ´´Think Tanger ´´ artistic residency programme, which included public interventions, visits to location in the outskirts of Tangier, and open studio presentations with talks and discussions.


Now, Think Tanger are preparing for a final exhibition, City Manifesto, presenting  work made by 8 artists, including the resident artists, reflecting on the transformation of the city. The multidisciplinary artists who come from different parts of Morocco and France are: Abdellah Hassak, Sara Ouhaddou, Mohcine Nakari, Aicha el Beloui, Nassim Azarzar, Sido Lansari, Youssef Ouechen and Hicham Gardaf.

City Manifesto will take place in Espace Dabatek, from the 7th until the 21st of October 2016.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


´´The Preservation of Cultural Heritage from extinction´´ is a project done by Women´s House Development center, in Anabta, Palestine, in partnership with Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare. The idea behind the project is to try to recover and preserve old traditional songs from Palestine, which are fading away with time because of the lack of any recordings, and the lack of knowledge of these songs among the young generation.

Women´s House Development center trained a group of 6 young women in field work, research and interview methods, in order to prepare them for the research, interviewing and collection of data.

After the training sessions, the 6 women started the research process, by going to refugee camps such as Nurchams and Tulkarm and small villages including Anabta, Rameen and Kufrzeebad, interviewing local old women about traditional songs they knew in their youth and sang for various occasions.

After 2 months of research, many songs were recorded, written down, and archived. The next step was to disseminate the songs and expose them to audience, for that purpose, 16 young girls were selected to form a choir, to perform these songs in a concert and to record an album that contains the songs.

A closing event took place on the 27th of September, during which, the young girls choir performed 15 songs collected throughout the project, in front of an audience, with the presence of the minister of local government, Hussein Al Aaraj, representing the prime minister. Also, the album containing all the songs collected has been recorded, and it will be distributed soon.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.

Second call

IMPORTANT: Applications will be assessed on a scale from 0 to 100 and will be ranked accordingly to their merit. The threshold is set at 75/100 points.

Criteria Definition Max. Weighting
1. Relevance of the project This criterion evaluates the relevance of the content of the project vis-à-vis the objectives of the call for proposals and the needs of the cultural sector and target groups (the format, the feasibility and consistency of the project in relation to the objectives) in the area of implementation. This criterion both evaluates, how clearly and strategically those involved (final beneficiaries, partners, target groups) are chosen and how their needs have been defined and addressed, and how at long term the project might have an overall impact in the region in terms of sustainable cultural and/or social development. 30
2. Communication strategy / dissemination capacities This criterion evaluates the dissemination and communication strategy of the project and its adequacy to address different target groups and audiences, building synergies, networks and collaborations with other projects and operators. 20
3. Quality of the financial offer This criterion evaluates the project budget and the ratio between the estimated costs and the real costs. Applications presenting a clear funding strategy with detailed evidence of potential or confirmed complementary funding sources will be positively assessed. 20
4. Potential of the project team This criterion assesses the potential of the project by evaluating the quality and the structure of the project team and its partnership. 15
5. Previous experience This criterion evaluates the expertise of the applicant and the partners in the field(s) related to the project in order to ensure the good quality of the outputs. 15

Links and attachments

Click here to download the call for proposals as a single pdf file (0.9 MB)

Second call

 1. 1 Eligibility of applicants

In order to be eligible, applications must comply with the following conditions:

  • Applications must involve at least three partners: one of the partners shall act as main applicant and the other two as associated partners (e.g. non-profit organisations, local authorities and/or private actors). It is strongly recommended that applications include documentation proving a wide set of partners both from their country, and from other countries[1] in the Southern Mediterranean region[2].
  • Main applicants must be non-profit organisations legally registered in the eligible countries, and active in the cultural sector in the Southern Mediterranean region.
  • Main applicants must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project proposal with their partners, not acting as an intermediary.
  • Main applicants must have a valid bank account registered under their legal name.

Other conditions:

  • All applications must be submitted in English, being the official language of SouthMed CV. All documents submitted in Arabic must include a translation in English or French.
  • All applications must specify in the Budget form submitted as part of the application that 15% of the grant is for mobility, capacity building and/or networking activities, including the attendance of minimum two representatives of each granted project in training and peer-to-peer activities coordinated by SouthMed CV throughout the project implementation.
  • All applications must have an external audit assigned to the project proposal and forecasted as a maximum of 5% of the total budget. However, the costs for the external audit cannot be less than 1.000€.
  • The participation of non-registered organisations as partners, with the exclusion of the main applicant, may be accepted in duly justified cases and insofar their existence can be proven (e.g. cultural and artistic groups or platforms of professionals having carried out activities).
  • Profit-making entities are not eligible as the main applicant organisation under this call for proposals.
  • Links with international and Euro-Mediterranean networks will be considered as a positive factor insofar they are an added value for the implementation of the project in the Southern Mediterranean region.

1.2 Eligibility of projects


The project shall take place between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2018.

The project duration should be a minimum of 9 months and a maximum of 12 months.

Type of eligible activities

Lot 1 Priority will be given to:

  • Artistic and cultural projects implemented in the framework of local, national or regional educational programmes in a partnership between cultural organisations and educational institutions.
  • Cultural and artistic projects fostering citizen participation and/or addressing issues of public interest, including awareness-raising activities on issues such as cultural diversity, social inclusion, gender or environmental issues, among others.
  • Contemporary artworks [1] contributing to different ways of approaching the local environment and its context, and open to citizen participation.
  • Other forms of collaboration involving cultural actors and other public or private organisations active in the public space, with an innovative approach (e.g. research, methodology, etc.) and a strong potential for social development (e.g. target groups, advocacy, etc.).

Lot 2 Priority will be given to:

  • Projects contributing to the setting-up, improvement or dissemination of emerging and/or consolidated professional organizations in the cultural and artistic sectors.
  • Projects contributing to the training of specialized trainers, facilitators, network-brokers or planners in the cultural sector.
  • Projects involving awareness-raising activities on the role of culture in local, national or regional development, including public discussions, seminars, workshops and conferences.[2]
  • Projects contributing to the setting-up or strengthening of creative industry platforms or resource centres (e.g. training schemes, incubators, etc.), and its impact on the social and economical sector.
  • Projects linked to the design and implementation of new funding models for cultural and creative sectors (e.g. crowd-funding platforms, etc.), involving public or private funding bodies.

Lot 3 Priority will be given to:

  • Artistic and cultural projects implemented in the framework of local, national or regional programmes in the educational, social or environmental sectors being implemented within a sustainable and innovative networking partnership between cultural organisations and other stakeholders throughout the Southern Mediterranean region
  • Specific activities[3] developing long term and sustainable programmes including mobility in the region, peer to peer encounters of non profit cultural organisations with other stakeholders (public or private organisations active in the public space), and cooperation all throughout the project implementation within a partnership framework of at least three eligible Southern Mediterranean countries.

The following types of projects will not be eligible for funding:

  • Events of religious or political character;
  • Projects concerned with sponsorships;
  • Projects concerned only or mainly with individual scholarships for studies, research or training courses;
  • Operational costs of applicant organisations (only administrative costs related to the project implementation are eligible);
  • Debts and obligations;
  • Projects which consist exclusively or primarily in capital expenditure, such as infrastructure, land, equipment;
  • Projects intended only to raise funds or promote the visibility of the applicant or its partner(s).

[1] Proposals submitted to Lot 3 must include legally registered organisations from at least three different eligible countries:  main applicant, and at least three legally registered partners from two different eligible countries of the Southern Mediterranean region.

[2] The eligible countries are Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

[3] Projects funded under this category may include any art form or cultural discipline (e.g. performing arts, visual arts, music, literature, heritage, new media, etc.), or several of them simultaneously.

[4] Ensuring the participation of communities or vulnerable groups in order to promote culture as a sustainability factor for social development.

[5] Involving creative and innovative methodologies and research across the Southern Mediterranean region such as the mapping of cultural organisations, surveys regarding mobility and cultural networks, best practices, etc.

Grants may amount up to 80% of total eligible costs. In duly and exceptional justified cases the contribution may amount up to 95% of total costs.

2.1 Eligible costs

Only “eligible costs” can be covered by a grant. The categories of eligible and non-eligible costs are indicated below.

Eligible costs are costs actually incurred by the beneficiary of a grant which meet the following criteria:

  • They are incurred during the duration of the project;
  • They are indicated in the estimated overall budget of the project;
  • They are incurred in connection with the project which is the subject of the grant, and are necessary for its implementation;
  • They are identifiable and verifiable, in particular being recorded in the accounting records of the beneficiary;
  • They comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation.

Eligible direct costs

The eligible direct costs are those which, with due regard for the conditions of eligibility set out above, are identifiable as specific costs directly linked to the implementation of the project, such as:

  • Travel and subsistence expenses (for networking meetings, training and peer to peer activities, conferences, etc.) which can not exceed the EU standards[1];
  • Staff costs related to the project implementation.
  • Professional fees for experts involved directly in the implementation of the project;
  • Costs of consumables and supplies, provided that they are identifiable and assigned to the project;
  • Costs arising directly from requirements linked to the implementation of the project (dissemination of information, translations, documentation, printing and distribution of leaflets, etc.);
  • Costs of rental of venues linked to the project;
  • Costs for the external audit.

Eligible indirect costs

The eligible indirect costs are related to the functioning and general activities of the grant beneficiaries: they cannot be attributed entirely to the implementation of the project, but are still partially generated by it (e.g. costs connected with infrastructure, legal advice, documentation, IT, office supplies, communications, etc.) [2]. These costs are to be funded on a flat rate basis not exceeding 7% of the project total budget.

2.2. Ineligible costs

The following costs are not eligible:

  • Debts and debt service charges (interests);
  • Provisions for losses or potential future liabilities;
  • Purchases of land or buildings;
  • Purchases of vehicles;
  • Office rent, unless the applicant can demonstrate that additional and specific office rental is necessary for the project implementation;
  • Currency exchange losses;
  • Credits to third parties.

2.3. Co-financing

The co-financing may take the form of the applicant’s own resources (self-financing), the income generated by the project, and financial or in-kind contributions from third parties.

The main applicant, if awarded with a grant, must duly justify and declare all the expenses as well as the funding from SouthMed CV and the total co-funding in the final report. Regarding in-kind contributions, the main applicant, if awarded with a grant, must declare that these contributions meet the local market prices and provide the detail of unities, working hours and unit costs in the final financial report.

[1] http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/perdiem-rate-20150318.pdf

[2] http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/companion/document.do?nodeNumber=

The SouthMed CV Project Steering Committee (PSC) will provide advice to grant beneficiaries on issues such as management, dissemination and networking, in order to ensure the correct implementation of the project.

The contracting party will sign a contract with the grant beneficiary that will include information of the activities to be carried out, the contract value, the modalities of payment and reporting.

Payment modalities: [1]

  • a first instalment, equivalent to 40% of the approved grant, will be made in the four weeks following the signature of the contract;
  • a second instalment, equivalent to 40% of the approved grant, will be made following the submission and approval by the contracting authority of the mid-term report;
  • a final instalment, equivalent to 20% of the approved grant, will be made at the end of the project, following the effective completion of activities, submission of technical and financial documentation and completion of an external audit, and following written approval by the contracting party.

Instalments will be paid by bank transfer only to grant beneficiaries’ bank account (main applicant).

[1] This information is to be considered indicative; the payment conditions will be further specified in the contract with the beneficiaries of the projects.

The grant beneficiary will submit, by electronic form, a mid-term technical and financial report identifying the implementation of at least the first five months: description of the main activities, target groups reached, current and potential networking partners, attendance to capacity building and other training activities, and samples of communication and dissemination of the project as well as contacts with the EU delegations in the region. Audit report with an updated budget reporting the verifiable costs and the implementation period.

The grant beneficiary will submit, by electronic form, a final report within 45 days following the completion of the project. The final report should include:

  • A technical report of no more than 5 pages, indicating:
  1. Impact of the project on target audiences,
  2. Main activities,
  3. Communication and dissemination activities at local, national and regional level, including contacts with the EU delegations,
  4. Main conclusions,
  5. Sustainability of the action, if applicable.
  • A financial report, including the details of the project expenditures and financing, and the audit report (all original invoices shall be submitted and revised by the auditors).
  • Annexes: documents that can support the technical report, such as publications, communication materials, videos, interviews, photos, lists of participants, etc.

The email address is: calltwo@smedcv.net

The grant beneficiary will upload any communication and dissemination material (Press releases, banners, posters, flyers, invitations, photos, videos etc…) on the SouthMed CV platform, throughout the implementation of the project.

Grant beneficiaries must acknowledge the EU contribution throughout the project implementation (e.g. press releases, publications, posters, programmes, audio-visual material, website and social media dissemination, etc.).

To this end, the contracting party will provide communication guidelines for the visual identity to the SouthMed CV grant beneficiaries. Please click here to download and read carefully the communication guidelines (KB 914).

The contracting party reserves the right to use, disclose, reproduce and distribute the content and outcome of the funded projects.

Applications must be submitted online using the application form.

The application form is online at the following link: www.smedcv.net/application-form

Deadline: Applications must be sent online no later than 24 October 2016, at 21:00 (GMT).

Submitted applications shall be written in English.

Any question related to the preparation of the application may be sent by e-mail until 7 October 2016[1] at the following link: http://www.smedcv.net/contact-us

[1] After this date a document with the frequent asked questions (FAQ) will be published on the website of SouthMed CV

On 19 December 2016[1], the results of the evaluation process will be notified via email to all the applicants, and will be published via the SouthMed CV information channels.

[1] This date is to be considered indicative

Links and attachments

Click here to download the call for proposals as a single pdf file (0,4 MB)

Second call

SouthMed CV is looking to support innovative, creative and outstanding cultural and artistic projects focusing on the role of culture in a diversity of contexts carried out in cooperation with other stakeholders. Projects should aim at having an impact on public space, and at strengthening the networking, managerial and institutional capacities of cultural operators and artistic organisations in the Southern Mediterranean[1].

The present call contains three lots. Applications under this call may be submitted in one of the following three:

  • Lot 1: Projects contributing at strengthening the role of culture at local, national and regional level, in cooperation with other stakeholders in the public sphere (e.g. organisations active in the social, educational or environmental fields, youth and cultural centres, schools, universities, libraries, local authorities, etc.)[2].
  • Lot 2: Projects aiming to enhance the institutional and managerial capacities of cultural operators and artistic organisations, and promote their visibility and role in public space at local, national and regional level.
  • Lot 3: Projects aiming at strengthening networking capacities of the cultural sector at national and regional level (see note 1) in cooperation with other stakeholders (e.g. social, educational, environmental sectors).

Grants requested under this call must submitted according to the following amounts per lot:

Lot 1: maximum 45.000 Euros

Lot 2: maximum 30.000 Euros

Lot 3: maximum 60.000 Euros

Applicants cannot submit more than one application.

Applicants who, as main applicants, have received a previous grant from SouthMed CV are not entitled to apply as the main applicant, however are entitled to be part of a submitted proposal as partners.

The indicative amount available for the 3 lots is 1.000.000,00 euros

SouthMed CV reserves the right not to award all available funds if submitted applications do not fill the selection criteria.

SouthMed CV is implemented by a consortium led by Interarts, Spain, in partnership with BAC Art Center, Tunisia, Gudran for Art and Development, Egypt, Khayal Arts & Education, Lebanon, the National Center for Culture and Arts King Hussein Foundation, Jordan, and the German Commission for UNESCO. For the purpose of the present call for proposals, Interarts will act as ‘contracting party’ on behalf of the consortium.

SouthMed CV is funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture, designed to accompany partner countries in south of the Mediterranean in the development and improvement of cultural policies related to the cultural sector.

[1] Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia.

[2] Projects funded under this category may include any art form or cultural discipline (e.g. performing arts, visual arts, music, literature, heritage, new media, etc.), or several of them simultaneously.


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Go Pro is the graduation project of Al Harah Theatre´s Performing Arts Training Center (PARC), based in Beit Jala, West bank, where 25 students specializing in scenography, lighting, sound, costume design, stage management and cultural projects´ management  had the chance to produce 4 theatrical plays on their own, working side by side with amateur actors and directors. The 25 graduating students were divided into 4 groups; each group formed by students specialized in these different fields, to work on the creation and production of one theatre play each.

The four productions treated different social and political themes:

´´The Guaranteed Way to Remove Stains´´ is a play about the issues of women and society, about how to live with the past and the problems staining their lives. ´´Tharf Sehi´´ treats the matter of politics and segregation, setting up how people are manipulated into hate and discrimination. Another play that also treated political issues, and was a dark humor representation of the Palestinian and Arab political and social reality is ´´Waste Container´´ showing how each person can look at and deal with this reality differently. ´´The looting of Paradise´´ is the last play, and it is a reflection on how human beings, driven by greed and power, forget about their humanity and the world they live in and become monsters.

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The students had to do everything on their own, from the buying of the material needed, to organizing and managing the rehearsals, having limited resources and time, but in the end after months of production and rehearsals, the 4 plays produced were finally presented in the graduation ceremony of the students in Dar Annadwa in Bethlehem on the 4th of June 2016, in the presence of the minister of culture. The students went through the learning process, developed their skills as well as their personalities and are now ready to work in the different professional fields of the performing arts. One of the productions, ´´Waste Container´´ (a theatre production simulating the Palestinian and Arab reality through dark humor), was chosen to be performed on August 22nd in the National Center for Culture and Art in Amman, Jordan.

SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


To facilitate social inclusion for visually impaired children in Tunisian society through music is the main objective of “MADA´´ (Music Against Dis-Abilities), the first Project of SouthMed CV to be completed.  MADA aimed to provide these children with an artistic tool to get in touch with the world around them, as well as to develop their musical skills. The project was led by “Association Musicale El Ons”, in partnership with “Ecole Primaire des Aveugles”, both based in Sousse, Tunisia. For 5 months, from January to May 2016, El Ons worked with 40 students from the school on musical training and integration with other children.


The children were divided into 4 groups: singing, percussion, strings and keyboard instruments. During the course of the project, children were given courses and workshops, by music teachers who received training specifically for this project. Other than the classes and workshops given to the children, the activities included their participation in the yearly festival organised by El Ons ´´le petit musicien´´, as well as their attendance to music classes in the local of El Ons, with the students of the association. Also they participated in a music festival organised by the Ministry of Education in Kairouan in February, where Ons el Bahrouni, one of the children from MADA, won first prize for the singing category.


To end the project, a final performance was given on May 20th by all the MADA students. It was clear at the end of the project that it had reached its main objectives, the children and their parents displayed great amounts of satisfaction, the children´s confidence and enthusiasm grew throughout the project as they felt more and more as an active part of society; this project also helped to reduce violence and isolation among the children and raised their sense of citizenship. SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.





“Europe Days” is an event organized by the European Union and the Tunisian Authorities to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the cooperation agreement between the European Community and Tunisia. The celebration is taking place from 24 to 26 of May. The programme includes different conferences on the agreement achievements, and an overview of the initiatives product of many years of work and joint efforts.

SouthMed CV is one of the selected projects. The Tunisian SouthMed CV consortium partner, BAC Art Centre, is expected to carry out a presentation of the fundamental characteristics of the initiative and a brief introduction of the 1st call sub-granted projects, which are currently implemented in Morocco, Algeria, Tunis, Lebanon and Palestine.  SouthMed CV is co-funded by the EU within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.

See the programme (FR)

Journées de l’Europe

A l’occasion du quarantième anniversaire de l’Accord de coopération signé en 1976 entre la Tunisie et la Communauté européenne, l’Union européenne avec les autorités tunisiennes organisent, du 24 au 26 mai, les Journées de l’Europe. Cet évènement vise à mieux faire connaître ce partenariat, son ambition, ses acteurs, son histoire, ses projets, ses réalisations et son impact tout particulièrement depuis 2011, dans cette période historique de transition démocratique.

A travers plusieurs centaines de projets, l’Union européenne et ses Etats membres interviennent dans tous les domaines du développement, en participant au renforcement de l’Etat et à l’émergence d’une société civile active et responsable.

Quarante ans, ça se fête… et l’Union européenne souhaite y associer les principaux concernés, les citoyens tunisiens. Un cycle de panel et de conférences, de présentation et des stands vous attendent (voir programme joint).

L’Union européenne s’est construite sur des valeurs de solidarité, toute sa coopération avec la Tunisie en témoigne. Venez le constater, les Journées de l’Europe vous accueillent donc à partir du 24 mai à 14 h 30 au Palais des Congrès !


Photos: Mohamed Ben Soltane (BAC Art Centre)


The first Mobility and Capacity Building Programme of SouthMed CV took place in Tunisia between 4 and 8 April 2016, and was attended by one sub-granted project from Algeria, five from Morocco and six from Tunisia.

On the 18th April, the second Mobility and Capacity Building Programme will start in Beirut with representatives from six sub-granted projects from Palestine and one from Lebanon; lasting until 21st April.

From Lebanon: ‘Moultaqa Leymoun – Arab Dance Platform / 5th Edition.

From Palestine: ‘Promote the abilities of young writers with disabilities (effective writers)’, Go Pro, The preservation of cultural heritage from extinction, Youth for Environment, Interactive theatre as a tool for social change and Children’s Voices heard through Art.

The exchange of experiences and peer assessments between representatives of the sub-granted projects organisations, will strengthen the mobility and networking in the Southern Mediterranean, beyond the framework of SouthMed CV.

The representatives of each sub-granted project has the opportunity to introduce and present the main organisation, the partners and the implementation. The film director, curator, trainer and also director of SHAMS Abdo Nawar will attend the Encounter as an invited expert. He is at the initiative of Averroes meetings in Lebanon, and the Multaka Ibd Rushd, launched in 2012. Representatives of the SouthMed CV consortium: BAC Art Centre, Tunisia, Gudran, Egypt,  Khayal Arts & Education, Lebanon, National Centre for Culture & Arts, Jordan, German Commission for Unesco, Germany, and Interarts, Spain will be attending the Programme and activities.

The Encounter is hosted by Khayal at the Sunflower Cultural Space, Beirut; and is co-organised by Khayal Arts & Education and Interarts, in collaboration with Maqamat Dance Theatre,

In the morning of 21th of April there will be a public presentation of SouthMed CV’s 2nd Call for proposals at Sunflower Cultural Space.

SouthMed CV is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.

Photo by Ali Zreik.

_DSC0013 (3)

The exchange of experiences between representatives of the projects funded in the First Call of SouthMed CV, and the work between them to facilitate mobility and networking beyond the frameworks of SouthMed CV, are the main objectives of the encounter taking place in Tunis, from 4th to 8th of April 2016. This encounter is hosted by BAC Art Centre and co-organised by BAC Art Centre and Interarts, SouthMed CV consortium partners, and is one of the Mobility and Capacity Building activities of the project.

Twelve of the nineteen sub-granted projects will meet these days:

From Morocco, will participate representatives of: ‘The Greenhouse – a platform for artistic experimentation in Casablanca’s public space’, ‘Think Tanger’, ‘Une danse pour demain’, ‘Promotion of the culture of human rights among youth’ and ‘Participatory research and artistic divulgation of Intangible Cultural Heritage associated to Chefchaouen Mediterranean Diet’.

From Algeria: ‘Research on abandoned buildings in Algiers’.

From Tunisia: ‘Sail’, ‘International Photography Encounters – Ghar el Melh, 10th Edition’. ‘Debbo 52’, ‘Cinema clubs 2.0’, ‘MADA (Music against dis-ability)’ and ‘Let’s write the next chapter’.

Each sub-granted project has the opportunity to make themselves known to the others, receive feedback from colleagues and recommendation by three invited experts: SanaTamzini, visual artist and director of the Fine Arts department of the Ministry of Culture of Tunisia; Dalel Tangour, photographer, University lecturer and Vice president of BAC Art Center, Tunisis; and Sara El Hamed, performance artist and co-founder of “Art in Maghreb – AiM” and UN-MI-DIE cultural platforms.

Representatives of the SouthMed CV Consortium also attend the encounter: BAC Art Centre, Tunisia; Gudran, Egypt; Khayal Arts & Education, Lebanon; National Centre for Culture & Arts, Jordan; German Commission for Unesco, Germany; and Interarts, Spain.

In the morning of 8th of April there will be a public presentation of SouthMed CV’s 2nd Call for proposals at BAC Art Centre.

The remaining seven sub-granted projects will meet in a second Mobility & Capacity Building Encounter in Beirut, Lebanon, from the 18 to 21 April.

SouthMed CV is co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.


In order to cover the costs of representatives of the First Call’s sub-granted projects attend and participate in the Mobility programme in Tunisia and Lebanon next April, an amount totalising 5% of the nineteen SouthMed CV grants will be made available. In this document you can see the amounts dedicated to the financing of the Mobility activities in Tunisia and Lebanon, in April 2016.


“The Greenhouse” , a platform for artistic experimentation in Casablanca’s public space, Morocco; “Go Pro”, incubator of artistic activities implemented in Palestine; and “Sail”, cultural project dealing with reintegration of Tunisian under-age children with legal problems, are the three projects that obtained the highest marks in the evaluation process of the first call for proposals of Southmed CV. Together with those three, other sixteen projects from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon and Palestine have been selected according to the marks resulting from the evaluation process. All projects reflect the need to both reinforce the recognition of culture as a factor in local, national and regional development, as well as enhance the professional capacities of operators, practitioners and organisations active in this field in the Southern Mediterranean. It is expected for all projects to start early 2016, and   implemented until August.

> Go to Sub-grantees page.

Photo credits: Hicham Gardaf

SubgranteesFirst call

The project intents to provide a complete musical formation which combines many kinetic, cognitive and emotional sensory aspects in 4 different groups: percussion, singing, string-playing and keyboard-playing. The project will start after a working session with the school supervisors and institutors in order to present the project’s methodology and working plan. This programme will be accompanied with educational travels to other places where conservatories are located, attempting to integrate the child with impaired vision with others in Tunisian society.

A musical production will be presented at the end of the implementation period.

MADA is led by the Association Musicale ElOns, whose main aim is to build values such as citizenship, tolerance, freedom and democracy by implementing musical education programmes amongst young people; in cooperation with Ecole primaire des aveugles, a public school for blind students. Both institutions are based in Sousse, Tunisia.


Association Musicale ElOns:

Ecole primaire des aveugles:

Related news

MADA: Music contributes to social inclusion for visually impaired children

effective writers
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims to improve the abilities of young writers and strengthen the role of culture in social cohesion at community level. It will be implemented in Gaza strip, West Bank, and Tunisia. Thirty young writers with disabilities, from Palestine and Tunis, will take part in training program on writing skills, modern publishing techniques but also on the right of expression and the rights of people with disabilities. Project will support launching of electronic forum for young writers with disabilities, the first of its kind in the region.

The project is led by the Social Developmental Forum, a Palestinian based CSO, that provides various developmental services for a wide range of social sectors; in partnership with General Union for Palestinian Writers, an institutional union for Palestinian writers; and Fanni Raghman Anni Association, a non-profit association based in Tunisia, working to fight marginalisation and defending freedom of expression and creativity in young people.


Social Developmental Forum:

General Union for Palestinian Writers:

Fanni Raghman Anni Association:

go pro 2
SubgranteesFirst call

The aim of the project is to give opportunity to 44 young theatre students in Palestine to work on a professional level, extending professional networks and getting access to new job opportunities. These students will become specialized in the following fields:  Light, sound, costume, scenography, stage management & production management for performing arts, assessed by and working with professional actors and directors. As a result a mini festival will be produced, reaching Ministry of Culture, local organisations, partners and communities.

The project is led by Al-Harah Theater, a Palestinian based theatre house for children, youth and adults addressing social topics; in cooperation with Dar Qandeel for Arts and Culture, a Palestinian based organisation working on culture and heritage, human rights awareness, democracy, and freedom of expression. In partnership with Al-Balad Theater, a Jordan based theatre and dance house dedicated to produce and promote independent artistic and cultural productions in the region; and Ashtar Theater, based in Palestine, with an aim to promote creativity and commitment for change through a novel combination of specific training and acting programs and services and professional theatre performances.


Al-Harah Theater:

Al-Balad Theater:

Dar Qandeel for Arts and Culture:

Ashtar Theater:

Related news:

Go Pro: Launching Theatre students into the professional field in Palestine

SubgranteesFirst call

This Project will interweave explorations of contemporary creation, modern Casablanca heritage, public space and environment through a diverse but focused range of art and cultural activities aiming to support the potential of art in reviving historic sites and neglected city spaces. Activities will range from training, workshops and networking to an ephemeral art centre in the public space- the greenhouse, and site-specific interventions and lectures by artists and scientists. The project targets the general public, specifically the popular neighbourhood of Hay Mohamedi with the support of non-profit organisations already operating in the area.

The Project is organised by L’Observatoire, a non-profit organisation working at the crossroads of heritage, contemporary art and environmental issues; in partnership with Casamemoire, association aiming to safeguard the architectural heritage of twentieth century in Morocco; and Casapatrimoine dedicated to preservation of Casablanca´s cultural heritage; and in cooperation with EUNIC Casablanca, a network of National Institutes for Culture. All organisations are based in Casablanca.





EUNIC Casablanca:

Photo by Atelier de l’Observatoire.

SubgranteesFirst call

This project will actively involve Palestinian women, elderly citizens and local grass-root organisations in the preservation of intangible cultural heritage that is in danger of extinction. Traditional songs are no longer in use and are remembered only by old people. Women from Women House Development Center will visit villages and refugee camps in the area of Tulkaram; to make sound and written recordings, assemble lyrics in a booklet and record songs on a CD. The project hopes to be only a starting initiative that will raise awareness of this issue and involve important stakeholders that will assure continuation of this practice.

The project is led by Women House Development Center, a place of gathering, creation and learning for local woman; in partnership with Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare, providing social and educational assistance to children and families in need. Both are non-profit associations based in Palestine.


Women House Development Center:



Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare:


promotion of human rights
SubgranteesFirst call

The project is using cinema as a tool for raising the culture of human rights among young people, children and families. It will take place in marginalized districts of Casablanca, Salé and Rabat. It includes several recurring events and activities, namely the Thursdays of Cinema and Human Rights, children’s morning sessions and the master class on cinema and human rights. The aim is to involve local young people, providing a new tool for dialogue, social integration, cultural change and advocacy for a stronger commitment to human rights.

The project is led by the Association of Mediterranean Meetings of Cinema and Human Rights  (ARMCDH), based in Rabat, which is dedicated to promoting the culture of human rights through cinema; in partnership with Centre culturel les étoiles de Sidi Moumen- Fondation Ali Zaoua, based in Casablanca working for social development and psycho-social rehabilitation of young underprivileged Moroccans by facilitating their access to all forms of artistic expression, National Human Rights Council,  national institution for the protection and defence of human rights and freedoms in Morocco; Association Al Kachf Al Mounir, contribute to educating of children and youth  as responsible citizens; and Moroccan Centre for Cinematography, one of the world’s oldest public establishments tasked with regulating and promoting film.


Association of Mediterranean Meetings of Cinema and Human Rights (ARMCDH):

Centre culturel les étoiles de Sidi Moumen- Fondation Ali Zaoua:

Association Al Kachf Al Mounir:

National Human Rights Council:

Moroccan Centre for Cinematography:

Lets Write_05
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims at reviving the Tunisian literary scene by empowering young writers. The main activities will consist on creating poetry, short stories and debate forums. It targets high school and university students, especially its female population. As ending result a book containing chosen texts written during the project implementation period, will be published.

The main project organisation is Tounes Al Fatet, a cultural and education association based in Tunis, dedicated to enhance the active participation of youth in public life, and in all forms of creativity. The project partner is the Cultural club Tahar Haddad, based in Tunis and dedicated to the artistic development of youth.


Tounes Al Fatet:

Cultural club Tahar Haddad:

SubgranteesFirst call

Moultaqa Leymoun is a platform for emerging and established Arab dance artists. Its main purpose is to create a pan-Arab Contemporary Dance collaborative network to enable local and international cooperation and dissemination. The platform will include full-length performances by established Arab artists and a series of studio presentations introducing young emerging talents, their work and future projects. This project will be implemented in Beirut and the Chouf Mountains by presenting 20 choreographers from Lebanon, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Palestine and Iran.

The project lead by the Beirut based Association Maqamat Beit El Raqs, a laboratory and a dance space aiming to create the conditions for a continuous development and progress of contemporary dance in the region; in partnership with Saryyet Ramallah- First Ramallah Group, one of the first dance school in Palestine that seeks to disseminate the culture of dance in the region.


Maqamat Beit El Raqs:



Saryyet Ramallah- First Ramallah Group:




une danse pour demains
SubgranteesFirst call

This Project is initiated by two women choreographers, each working for the development of contemporary dance in their countries. They have identified ten young Moroccans and Algerians they wish to support in their creative process. Dancers will experience an intensive and full training and they will have an opportunity to extend network and visit regional events of importance. Dance will be shared from choreographers to dancers, but also and transmit to youngers amateurs through regular workshops for groups of children and adolescents in partnership with a neighbourhood association in Casablanca and Algiers. The aim is to strengthen the capacities of the young dance scene in South Mediterranean by transmitting the interest to youth and children, and develop a networking the region about dance, but generally art and culture.

This project is led by Espace Darja/Association les rencontres de la danse based in Casablanca, in partnership with Association Jazz Ame/Cie Nacera Belaza, a dance company working between Algeria and France; in cooperation with the Casablanca based Association Initiative Urbaine.


Espace Darja/Association les rencontres de la danse:

Association Jazz Ame/Cie Nacera Belaza:

Association Initiative Urbaine:

Photo by Espace Darja.

SubgranteesFirst call

This project is framed inside the action plan started by the municipality of Chefchaouen after this city was nominated as emblematic community of the Mediterranean Diet (MD designated by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage). The main objectives are the creation of an Inventory of Mediterranean Diet intangible items; the promotion for the participation of the local population in safeguarding their centuries-old traditions and ‘savoir faire’ and the development of artistic activities as a means of social dialogue (theatre, stories and videos).

The project is lead by Talassemtane pour l’Environnement et le Développement, a non-profit association based in Tunisia and dedicated to promoting, developing and safeguarding the natural and cultural heritage; in partnership with the Urban Municipality of Chefchaouen; and in cooperation with the international association Diversity & Development, expert in Chefchaouen’s Mediterranean Diet Heritage research.



Talassemtane pour l’Environnement et le Développement:

Diversity & Development:

Facebook page:

SubgranteesFirst call

The project will consist of educational visual arts and music workshops, theatre-forum, cinema club and monthly events. To involve fifty boys and girls from Tunisia, age 12 to 18, in artistic creation, with an aim to bring closer art and culture to popular neighbourhoods and fragile social groups. One of project goals is to raise awareness among youth regarding human rights issues and the ways to defend themselves by staying away from violence and fundamentalism.

The project is led by Mass’Art Association for alternative culture, that works on the dissemination of culture and art in Tunisia’s popular neighbourhoods, in partnership with Social protection centre for youth in Tunis, a public institution caring for the youth who are living in difficult situations.


Mass’Art Association for alternative culture:

Social protection centre for youth in Tunis:

youth for environment
SubgranteesFirst call

Twelve young filmmakers from the Palestinian West Bank will meet, to receive intensive training in documentary filmmaking. These films will focus on environmental issues: lack of recycling awareness, pollution of groundwater, the need for rehabilitation of the sewage system, water resources for farmers, and other problems. The results will be six short documentaries that will be screened on different locations. The screening will be followed by an open debate involving as Palestine citizens in further discussion on environmental issues. The goal is enhancing the role of cinema education in the cultural and social development and highlighting the environmental issues in Palestine.

This project is led by Young Palestinian Filmmakers, a nongovernmental organization based in Ramallah, dedicated to strengthen young cinema in Palestine; in partnership with Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre, from Ramallah, which uses cultural practice as a tool for artistic growth in the community; and the Cinema Jenin dedicated to activating the cultural life in Palestine through the screenings of daily films and hosting artistic performances in the fields of theatre, music and dance.


Young Palestinian Filmmakers:



Khalil Sakakini Cultural Centre:


Cinema Jenin:



Related videos:

Photo by Young Palestinian filmmakers society.

interactive theatre for social change
SubgranteesFirst call

This project uses community theatre as a tool for social mobilisation and empowerment. Through capacity building, the project aims to enable its participants to apply interactive theatre techniques to induce social change. Community theatre methods will bring fragmented populations together in a process of reflection, dialogue and mutual sharing of stories that illuminate narratives of trauma, creativity and resilience, building long-lasting partnerships.  It will include refugees, Bedouins, students, community leaders, activists and social workers, in the Palestinian West Bank, and Palestinian refugee camps in Jordan.

The Freedom Theatre, based in the refugee camp of Jenin, and working on artistic and educational activities for children, youth and women, leads the project in cooperation with Ashtar Theatre, a theatre house based in Ramallah, spreading the culture of theatre in Palestine through training programmes and theatre performances.


The Freedom Theatre:




Ashtar Theatre:




Related videos:

think tanger
SubgranteesFirst call

The project will gather artists, academic experts and private companies with the aim to build up a creative answer responding to the great socio-cultural and educative challenges faced by the city of Tangiers. Activities, such as artist residency programs, sociological studies, training, public conferences, will be organised aiming to create a debate on urban space between artists, thinkers and entrepreneurs.

Arty Farty Tanger, the main project organisation, is a ‘daughter’ of the French association Arty Farty, working in the area of culture, entrepreneurship and education. In partnership with Techno Park Tanger, a company based in Morocco with expertise in information, communication, green technologies and cultural industry; and Racines, an NGO based in Morocco promoting culture as a vector of democracy and human, social and economic development.


Arty Farty Tanger:

Techno Park Tanger:


Facebook page:

Photo by Hicham Gardaf

el medreb
SubgranteesFirst call

EL MEDREB is an Algerian slang expression used, depending on the context and the interlocutor, to define both an unknown location and a very precise one.

In today’s Algiers, on the one hand there is a lack of independent spaces for expression while at the same time the authorities keep planning and building huge and costly infrastructures to which citizens cannot relate. On the other hand there is an abundance of neglected and unexploited architectural heritage that could fulfil the needs of creating common spaces for social encounters and culture making from the community in sustainable ways.

EL Medreb aims to investigate the social, architectural and historical context of the district of El Hamma in Algiers, which is considered one of the biggest hubs of abandoned buildings there. The district has a complex urban fabric as besides being an industrial site it also includes a diverse range of population which number decreased exponentially in the last years due to the politics of desertification of the territory.

Parallel to the research and investigation, there will be work on the preservation of the collective memory by reaching out directly to the people who inhabit El Hamma. Moreover, the project will aim towards the recuperation of these abandoned places, as potential cultural spaces and urban commons.

The Project is the result of a partnership between Chrysalide, a cultural association based in Algiers, focused on creating and putting on stage plays, make films, exhibitions and art events; and Sayka, a cultural association based in Constantine, aiming at empower young individuals and talents through creative musical hands-on & interactive projects; in cooperation with JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies, a cultural association based in Barcelona.








JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies:



Childrens Voices_SAM_9659
SubgranteesFirst call

This project promotes the child rights through art. The right to education will be addressed through four artistic initiatives: theatre performance, music production, art exhibition and dance performance. Each initiative will focus one issue that schoolchildren are facing such as school violence, the inclusion of student with disabilities and the accessibility of schools. The target groups are Palestinian boys and girls between the age of 14 and 16, their families and the community.

The project is led by the Defence for Children International – Palestine Section, the only Palestinian child rights organisation solely dedicated to protecting the rights of children in Palestine; Yafa Cultural Center, an NGO dedicated to improving cultural and intellectual life of local people; and Al Harah Theater, theatre house dedicated to create socially engaged theatre plays.


Defence for Children International – Palestine Section:

Yafa Cultural Center:

Al Harah Theater:

cinema clubs
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims to enhance the capacity of cultural operators in the cinematographic field. In that purpose, twenty cultural workers from different regions in Tunisia will meet during the second edition of the training programme Cinema Clubs 2.0. The project will focus on supporting and strengthening the skills of Tunisian cultural operators and building professional networks. In total there will be organised three training seminars, two master classes and several visits to film clubs in the regions of Kairouan, Djerba, Medenine, Monastir, Kef, Gabès and Hammamet.

The Project is led by the Tunisian Federation of Film Societies, a non-governmental organisation empowered to spread culture through films; in partnership with Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy), a cultural organisation based in Egypt that supports Arab artists and the growth of the independent cultural sector.


Tunisian Federation of Film Societies:

Culture Resource:


Interarts, which coordinates SouthMed CV, announces the sub-granted projects and its beneficiaries.

The number of submitted projects scoring above the threshold mark of 75/100 points has outnumbered the expectations. The allowed amount for the call being 500.000€, compelling the Assessment commission to grant ONLY those submitted and eligible proposals with a scored mark equal or superior to the 85/100 points.

A waiting list is constituted by those submitted eligible proposals with a scored mark between 80,50/100 and 84,50/100 points.

Downloadgranted projects, waiting list projects.


Interarts, which coordinates SouthMed CV, announces the sub-granted projects and its beneficiaries.

The number of submitted projects scoring above the threshold mark of 75/100 points has outnumbered the expectations. The allowed amount for the call being 500.000€, compelling the Assessment commission to grant ONLY those submitted and eligible proposals with a scored mark equal or superior to the 85/100 points.

A waiting list is constituted by those submitted eligible proposals with a scored mark between 80,50/100 and 84,50/100 points.

Downloadgranted projects, waiting list projects.