Second callSubgrantees

Madrassa is a program of curatorial research and practice in contemporary art, and one of the first of its kind in the region. It strives to educate and connect a community of young arts professionals offering them training and networking opportunities. Through a call for applications, Madrassa invited young curators and cultural practitioners from North Africa and the Middle East to participate in a programme based independent curatorial practices, that look beyond the existing modes of production and dynamics of the global art world. It explored socially engaged visual arts practices, promoted collaborative projects and transnational exchanges, offering a platform for experimentation to the region’s emerging curatorial talents. The Madrassa program was launched in 2015 by l’Atelier de l’Observatoire (art and research) in Casablanca.

Madrassa has been implemented in this occasion between Amman, Casablanca, Alexandria and Algiers, consisting on a series of talks, visits and workshops in each city, and enable the participants to put their acquired knowledge and training into practice by curating a project in each city.

Spring Sessions is an experiential learning programme and arts residency based in Amman, Jordan. The programme brings together emerging and established cultural practitioners to produce work and share results. The purpose is to encourage participants to question existing paradigms by experimenting outside of traditional models.

Spring Sessions

Website: https://thespringsessions.com/

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/thespringsessions/

Atelier de l’Observatoire

Website: http://www.atelierobservatoire.com/madrassa

Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AtelierObservatoire

Mass Alexandria

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MASSAlexandriaSpace


Website: http://ariaprojects.org/?page_id=1600

Second callSubgrantees

Perform: Performing Arts Consultancy Office aimed to meet the needs of performing arts groups, individual arts managers, organisations and/or initiatives in order to assist and support them to implement their visions, build sustainable practices through providing consultancy and administrative assistance, and offer an effective mix of training and cultural exchange programme to support the development of their artistic work. The project also aimed at increasing access to performing arts through audience building, and assisting at fund rising for strategic events in partnership with cultural organizations.

Reflection for Arts, Training and Development is a non-governmental and not for profit cultural civil society organisation which seeks to enhance the cultural life of Alexandria’s residents and visitors by promoting its cultural heritage in a contemporary framework, and the multiplicity and diversity of its cultural resources. It aims to achieve that through by providing means of support for artists to enhance their work and to facilitate their practices; by cooperating with other organisations, in the coordination of a diversity of cultural and artistic initiatives and projects.

The partners in this project are Torraha Art and Society, which works on development through arts, crafts and culture, creating exchanges and networking opportunities between different remote areas in Egypt with focus on women and children, and Raseef, a youth initiative, whose main aim is for emerging and independent artists to reach an audience, and to present their artistic productions as being part of sustainable culture at recycled and transformed public spaces.


Reflection for Arts, Training and Development

Website: http://www.reflectionart.org/EN/Welcome.html 

Torraha Art and Society

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/torraha

Raseef Youth Initiative

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/raseef.project/


Website: www.perform-arts.net/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pg/PerFormConsultancy/posts/?ref=page_internal

Kibrit 3
Second callSubgrantees

KIBRIT (كبريت) is a collaborative research and production programme dedicated to contemporary artistic and curatorial practices engaged in processes of reactivation of cultural heritage and collective memory (architecture, radio and sound archives, cinema, photography). Curated and implemented by a network of independent art spaces and initiatives based in North Africa and Middle East, KIBRIT embodies the willingness of its partners to build sustainable synergies, and to exchange cultural practices, ideas and activities engaged in the social fabric.

To reach these objectives, KIBRIT has implemented in 2017:

  • A series of collaborative research projects to reactivate specific physical or ephemeral sites of cultural heritage in each of the partners’ locations: led by the local partner, each project proactively involves the others endorsing a methodology based on mutual enrichment through exchange of skills, knowledge and practices, while engaging local communities, researchers and artists to concur onto the reactivation process enacted. A final, major event, in the form of a publication and an exhibition, took place between November and December;
  • A series of punctual meetings and events in Algiers, Tunis, Casablanca, Marrakech, Ramallah and Barcelona. Through public programmes, workshops, artistic interventions, trainings, research sessions, public presentations and networking, these meetings involved KIBRIT’s partners and local communities in the reactivation process of local cultural heritage;

The development of the KIBRIT online research and visibility platform: this platform it is a key tool to support and give visibility to each project and the activities. Secondly, it is a space for critical reflection on how contemporary artistic and curatorial practices engage in processes of reactivation of cultural heritage and collective memory in the region; and finally gathers the researches and cartographies on this topic.


Le 18

Website: www.le18.weebly.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/le18marrakech/

Atelier de l’Observatoire

Website: www.atelierobservatoire.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/AtelierObservatoire/

Maison de l’Image

Website: http://maisonimage.tn/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maisonimagetn/

Ramallah Municipality

Website: http://www.ramallah.ps/english.aspx

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/R.Municipality/


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Rhizome-1503325383025017/

CeRCCa Centre de Recerca i Creacio Casamarles

Website: https://cercca.com

JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies

Website: www.jiser.org/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/JISERArts/


Website: http://kibrit.org/en/about.html

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Kibrit-983630971771456/

IMG_8840 (1)
Second callSubgrantees

ANHAR – The Arab Network for Human Rights Film Festivals is a regional project with a pool of information, and a film database for human right film festivals and screenings in the Arab region. It is a networking platform that operates on the basis of partnerships and exchanges of expertise between its members.

The network was established in December of 2015 and has 9 members from Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Mauritania, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Syria. It aims at establishing a connection between activists, filmmakers, festival directors and spaces for screening human rights films to build bridges through joint events, co-productions and advocacy campaigns. The collective experience of its members helps enhance the quality, impact and outreach of its initiatives.

Ma3mal 612 Think Factory is a collaborative pool based in Amman, of thinkers and workers from different backgrounds and disciplines who design innovative projects on thematic topics that are considered as a priority for the region. The word Al Ma’mal means the ‘factory’. It is designed to produce and enhance the production of films, documentaries, video art, installations, film networks and other visual and artistic projects that have an avant-garde nature, aiming to generate a change in the civil society in the region.


MA3mal 612 Think Factory Jordan:

Website: http://www.ma3mal612.com/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Ma3mal612/

Ma3mal 961 Think Factory Lebanon

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ma3mal961/


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pg/SematEgypt/about/


Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Human.Screen.Festival/


Website: http://www.arabfilmnetwork.com/


Second callSubgrantees

This project aimed at creating an Arab comics network for comic artists in the region, to collaborate and share their creations internationally. Arab Comics as Educational Tool aimed to promote the use of comics as an educational and social tool in the community, and share possible sources to finance this kind of projects. It also seeked to build the capacities of different partners through shared experiences and practices, strengthen the abilities of Arab Artists in comics to work as a network, and spread the Arab comic internationally, making it accessible to larger audiences. To reach these objectives, a platform has been established that supports the work of the artists in the region, producing and distributing comics about social issues, artistic exchanges between Palestine, Egypt and Morocco, the translation of comics to English, French and Spanish to make comics accessible to international audience, and by implementing exhibitions to showcase the work of the comic artists involved.

The project is led by Tamer Institute, an association based in Jerusalem, focusing mainly on the rights to education, identity, freedom of expression and access to knowledge. Tamer institute works across the West Bank and Gaza Strip, primarily targeting children and young artists, and developing alternative means to formal education.


Tamer Institute

Website: http://tamerinst.org/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TamerInstitute/

Koshk Comics

Website: www.koshkcomics.com/s/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/KoshkComics/

Khalil Al Sakakini Cultural Center

Website: http://www.sakakini.org/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KhalilSakakiniCenter/

SkefKef magazine

Website: http://skefkef.ma/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/skefkefmag/about/?ref=page_internal

Kawkab Al Rasameen

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/kawkabElRasameen/

Second callSubgrantees

MARSAD – Mediterranean Action and Research for Sustainability and Development aimed to create a collective platform of research, implementation, monitoring and observation of cultural policies in the region, in order to ensure an efficient advocacy of the institutions. The platform plans to grow and include more partners to become a reference in the South Med region.

MARSAD has set-up research and diagnosis on cultural policies in the partners’ countries (education, training, diversity, governance, production), to share expertise between partners, to strengthen the network of cultural operators in the region, and to set-up a common platform providing data & information about cultural policies in the region. In the long-term, the goal is to establish a regional Observatory for Cultural Policies providing data, research, studies and recommendations on cultural policies in the region in order to advocate for and strengthen the capacities of cultural actors, to implement cultural policies that are useful for the population, and sustainable for artists in their respective countries. 

Racines is a Moroccan non-profit organisation advocating for the integration of culture into public, human, social and economic policies. Racines is born from the desire of Moroccan cultural actors, convinced that the issue of culture is common to African countries (weakness of cultural policies, lack of involvement of the States, non-recognition of culture as a human right, weak creative industries, lack of protecting artists’ rights, lack of training in cultural jobs…). Racines’ projects are articulated around cultural policies (research, advocacy, mapping), arts and culture for social change, entrepreneurship, cultural management training, artistic freedom, artists’ rights and status.

MARSAD is a project lead by Racines and developed in partnership with:

  • Our Culture First,an association based in Tunis, Tunisia, works on promoting cultural initiatives at national and local level, through capacity development approaches and a national exchange platform.
  • El Madina for Performing and Digital Arts, based in Alexandria, Egypt, develops projects through training, production, and management of culture spaces.
  • Me’Zaf, based in Beirut, Lebanon, is a musical cultural initiative whose main focus is the authentic music of the Levant. By implementing research projects and musical activities intends to reintegrate this music in our current scene, as a contemporary creation tool.



Website: www.racines.ma

Website: www.artmap.ma

Website: www.pratiquesculturelles.ma 

Facebook pages:



Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/107702075957633


Website: www.mezaf.org

Our Culture First 

Website: www.oct.org.tn

El Madina for Performing and Digital Arts 

Website: www.elmadinaarts.com


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Marsad2017/