Evaluation criteria


The period to submit applications has been closed on 2 November 2015 at 21 (GMT) as per Call Guidelines.

IMPORTANT: Applications will be assessed on a scale from 0 to 100 and will be ranked accordingly to their merit. The threshold is set at 75/100 points.

Criteria Definition Max. Weighting
1. Relevance of the project This criterion evaluates the relevance of the content of the project vis-à-vis the objectives of the call for proposals and the needs of the cultural sector and target groups (the format, the feasibility and consistency of the project in relation to the objectives) in the area of implementation.This criterion also evaluates, how clearly and strategically those involved (final beneficiaries, partners, target groups) are chosen and how their needs have been defined and addressed.                20
2. Creative strength of the content and activities This criterion assesses the overall impact of the project in terms of innovation and creative potential for social change.                20
3. Dissemination strategy and impact This criterion evaluates the dissemination and communication strategy of the project and its adequacy to address different target groups and audiences, build synergies and collaborations with other projects and operators.                20
4. Quality of the financial offer This criterion evaluates the project budget and the ratio between the estimated costs and the real costs. Applications presenting a clear funding strategy with detailed evidence of potential or confirmed complementary funding sources will be positively assessed.                15
5. Project team potential This criterion assesses the potential of the project by evaluating the quality and the structure of the project team.                15
6. Previous experience This criterion evaluates the expertise of the applicant in the field related to the project in order to ensure the good quality of the outputs.                10

Links and attachments

Click here to download the call for proposals as a single pdf file (0,4 MB)

Go to: call presentationapplication form, grants guidelines.