Second callSubgrantees

We Are Here has implemented alternative creative cells for the profit of vulnerable and discriminated young people and local population, with special attention to women in both Tunisia and Palestine using Mural and Street arts. Cultural spaces were established in both Tunisia and Palestine: in Tunisia through reconstructing 10 cultural polyvalent spaces in schools and educative institutions located in the poor and marginalized interior regions, and in Palestine through establishing artistic, cultural and mural activities on the walls and in public spaces of the Old city of Ramallah, where Tunisian artists, local Palestinian artists and local community created an open-air exhibition and interactive workshops. The main objective of the project was to consolidate Street Arts as a means of work in framing public awareness and advocacy strategies to promote respect for marginalized groups and their active participation in society.

Fanni Raghman Anni Association (FRA) is a youth-driven cultural nongovernmental organisation registered in Tunis in 2013. Fanni Raghman Anni’s vision is an equal society without discrimination. FRA promotes innovative youth activism with the arts, specifically in poverty-stricken areas and marginalized neighbourhoods. The organisation is committed to raising social awareness and consciousness on human rights issues through creative and artistic expressions.  The partners in this project are the Municipality of Ramallah in Palestine, and Youth Forum for the culture of citizenship an association in Tunis, working on human rights, citizenship and promotion of culture in the interior regions.


Fanni Raghman Anni Association

Website: www.fanniraghmananni.org

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Fanni.Tn 

Ramallah Municipality

Website: www.ramallah.ps/english.aspx

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/R.Municipality

Youth Forum for the culture of citizenship

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FJCCkasserine

02-01068 (5)
Second callSubgrantees

MED DEMOS/PACE LAB responds to the needs of civil society, cultural and social institutions/NGOs as well as marginalized communities in Kairouan, Tunisia, to ensure equal access to public space. The project aims to foster social inclusion and boost public participation by creating sustainable links between artistic and social focused actors on local level and engaging young architects in practical artistic mission with social objectives. The project includes a charette which will engage architects, community groups and key operators, with the aim to produce an urban plan for the public space in Kairouan, a Live Lab Design and a Do Workshop: workshop will be implemented as a pool of education for young architects, and as a pretext to promote the inclusiveness of the public space. A cultural management workshop, a conference and the creation of an art work in a public space, will be implemented as well.

Kairouan Community was established in 2014 as a grass-root coalition/community type CSO/NGO. The main goals of the organisation are sustainable environmental, social and economic development in Tunisia, an the activation of disadvantageous and marginalized areas and vulnerable groups and communities. This project is a partnership between Kairouan community, Ecole National d´Architecture et d´Urbanisme in Tunis and Ecole d´Architecture de Casablanca.


Kairouan Community

Website: www.fixkairouan.org

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FixKairouan-592730647516385/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/empoweringDisadvantagedgroups

02-01132 (4)
Second callSubgrantees

Sustainable Local Planning – Locality of Thibar, was a project aiming mainly at reconciling Thibar’s territory with sustainable development by enhancing community’s life conditions, promoting economic growth, and preserving its natural resources as well as cultural heritage. By adopting a participatory approach, the project helped for civil society as well as public stakeholders, to enhance and adopt good practices, in matter of decentralization and good governance. The project has highlighted the competences of landscape architects and engineers enlarging their horizons and those of decision makers.

The social survey to assess the vision and the needs of the community, the different workshops to open a dialogue between different stakeholders, and the elaboration of the sustainable urban plan were the most important activities of the project.

TALAE is a professional association aiming to promote landscape architecture in Tunisia through 4 working areas:

  • Landscape architecture and collective memory
  • Landscape architecture and environment
  • Landscape architecture and development

Landscape architecture and society


TALAE Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Talae.Tunisia/

Association of civil society of Thibar Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ASSOCI2THIBAR/

Photo Credit: Fatma Triki

Second callSubgrantees

The lack of cultural spaces and cinema halls is a problem in Regueb Sidi Bouzid governorate, as well as in many other governorates of Tunisia. Small Screens aimed to facilitate access to cinema for children and youth from small towns that do not have the opportunity to discover cinema and learn about it.

The project aimed at spreading awareness amongst youth about their rights to access culture, and give children the opportunity to appreciate artistic works and cultural activities based on social and human rights themes (social life, family life, citizenship, peace, right to education, right to culture…)

The project reached 8 schools in the Regueb delegation, where movie screening followed by debates took place, teachers received training in culture and cinema, 8 school cinema clubs were created, and 8 short movies were produced (one in each school) with the active participation of the students and teachers.

Small Screens is implemented by Association Tunisienne d´Action Culturelle – ATAC, operating mainly in the delegation of Regueb in Sidi Bouzid in the cultural and social fields as well as in development and human rights. ATAC has partnered with Cinéma Itinérant Roadmovie – CIR, a non-profit organization promoting cinematographic culture in Tunisia, making cinema accessible in marginalized communities, and with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Education of Tunisia.



Website: http://atac.tn/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/atac.association

Cinéma Itinérant Roadmovie – CIR

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cir.tunisie/

Kibrit 3
Second callSubgrantees

KIBRIT (كبريت) is a collaborative research and production programme dedicated to contemporary artistic and curatorial practices engaged in processes of reactivation of cultural heritage and collective memory (architecture, radio and sound archives, cinema, photography). Curated and implemented by a network of independent art spaces and initiatives based in North Africa and Middle East, KIBRIT embodies the willingness of its partners to build sustainable synergies, and to exchange cultural practices, ideas and activities engaged in the social fabric.

To reach these objectives, KIBRIT has implemented in 2017:

  • A series of collaborative research projects to reactivate specific physical or ephemeral sites of cultural heritage in each of the partners’ locations: led by the local partner, each project proactively involves the others endorsing a methodology based on mutual enrichment through exchange of skills, knowledge and practices, while engaging local communities, researchers and artists to concur onto the reactivation process enacted. A final, major event, in the form of a publication and an exhibition, took place between November and December;
  • A series of punctual meetings and events in Algiers, Tunis, Casablanca, Marrakech, Ramallah and Barcelona. Through public programmes, workshops, artistic interventions, trainings, research sessions, public presentations and networking, these meetings involved KIBRIT’s partners and local communities in the reactivation process of local cultural heritage;

The development of the KIBRIT online research and visibility platform: this platform it is a key tool to support and give visibility to each project and the activities. Secondly, it is a space for critical reflection on how contemporary artistic and curatorial practices engage in processes of reactivation of cultural heritage and collective memory in the region; and finally gathers the researches and cartographies on this topic.


Le 18

Website: www.le18.weebly.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/le18marrakech/

Atelier de l’Observatoire

Website: www.atelierobservatoire.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/AtelierObservatoire/

Maison de l’Image

Website: http://maisonimage.tn/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maisonimagetn/

Ramallah Municipality

Website: http://www.ramallah.ps/english.aspx

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/R.Municipality/


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Rhizome-1503325383025017/

CeRCCa Centre de Recerca i Creacio Casamarles

Website: https://cercca.com

JISER Reflexions Mediterrànies

Website: www.jiser.org/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/JISERArts/


Website: http://kibrit.org/en/about.html

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Kibrit-983630971771456/

IMG_8840 (1)
Second callSubgrantees

ANHAR – The Arab Network for Human Rights Film Festivals is a regional project with a pool of information, and a film database for human right film festivals and screenings in the Arab region. It is a networking platform that operates on the basis of partnerships and exchanges of expertise between its members.

The network was established in December of 2015 and has 9 members from Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Mauritania, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Syria. It aims at establishing a connection between activists, filmmakers, festival directors and spaces for screening human rights films to build bridges through joint events, co-productions and advocacy campaigns. The collective experience of its members helps enhance the quality, impact and outreach of its initiatives.

Ma3mal 612 Think Factory is a collaborative pool based in Amman, of thinkers and workers from different backgrounds and disciplines who design innovative projects on thematic topics that are considered as a priority for the region. The word Al Ma’mal means the ‘factory’. It is designed to produce and enhance the production of films, documentaries, video art, installations, film networks and other visual and artistic projects that have an avant-garde nature, aiming to generate a change in the civil society in the region.


MA3mal 612 Think Factory Jordan:

Website: http://www.ma3mal612.com/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Ma3mal612/

Ma3mal 961 Think Factory Lebanon

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ma3mal961/


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pg/SematEgypt/about/


Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Human.Screen.Festival/


Website: http://www.arabfilmnetwork.com/


Second callSubgrantees

Since its establishment, Maison de l’Image works in synergy with a network of collaborators, public and private institutions and associations focusing on the visual arts in Tunisia and abroad. The association has organized a series of workshops, exhibitions and meetings for artists and creative organisations and individuals from Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Libya and Tunisia.

After becoming well established, a partnership with 2 cultural organisms from the MENA region: Brokk’Art from Algeria and L’Uzine from Morocco, was agreed. Maison de l’Image decided to create Inkylab – a publishing platform, a collaborative print space and a network, aiming to create accessible tools and a networking context to enhance the exposure of talented creative illustrators, and artistic collectives based in the MENA region. Inkylab has constituted a platform for new questions, images, and ideas, to blur geographic and social boundaries, and to open new frontiers for cultural and creative innovation. Through publishing, educational, and curatorial activities, Inkylab gathers artists who seek to create, engage, and communicate topics and issues concerning self-publishing and lead them towards collaboration. The final event in Tunisia as part of the ‘Salon   International de la Bande Dessinée de Tazarka (SIBDT)’, August 2018, will be an ideal opportunity for Inkylab to showcase the work of the talented artists, collective illustrators and artistic based in the MENA region.


Maison de l’Image

Website: http://www.maisonimage.tn

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maisonimage


Website: http://www.brokk-art.com

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/BROKKART-327166565525/


Website: http://luzine.ma/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/uzine7/


Facebook: www.facebook.com/inkylabtn/

Second callSubgrantees

Through a strong network of dance organizations, MEEM aimed to develop and establish a platform for exchange and a solid soil for contemporary dance in the South Mediterranean region. The partnering organizations have worked on building capacities and generating sustainable artistic collaborations based on theoretical and practical activities and practices related to the contexts of their countries and needs.

Throughout the full programme of activities, 24 young and emerging artists from 10 different countries have been directly involved. 18 international presenters, in addition to representatives from a number of different cultural organisations have taken part in the activities, and by doing so have become familiar with both the work and the conditions of the artists working in the region.

The project is led by Maqamat Dance Theatre, an international dance company founded in 2002 and based in Beirut. In a short period of time, the company has been able to emerge as a central organization in the creation and development of contemporary dance in Lebanon and the Arab region. It is considered today as the founder of a Lebanese Contemporary Dance Scene.


Maqamat Dance Theatre

Website: https://www.maqamat.org/

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maqamat/

Sareyyet Ramallah

Website: www.sareyyet.ps/


Website: http://www.tanween.de/?page_id=120

CIE Nacera Belaza

Website: www.cie-nacerabelaza.com/

CIE Chatha

Website: www.chatha.org/

Second callSubgrantees

MARSAD – Mediterranean Action and Research for Sustainability and Development aimed to create a collective platform of research, implementation, monitoring and observation of cultural policies in the region, in order to ensure an efficient advocacy of the institutions. The platform plans to grow and include more partners to become a reference in the South Med region.

MARSAD has set-up research and diagnosis on cultural policies in the partners’ countries (education, training, diversity, governance, production), to share expertise between partners, to strengthen the network of cultural operators in the region, and to set-up a common platform providing data & information about cultural policies in the region. In the long-term, the goal is to establish a regional Observatory for Cultural Policies providing data, research, studies and recommendations on cultural policies in the region in order to advocate for and strengthen the capacities of cultural actors, to implement cultural policies that are useful for the population, and sustainable for artists in their respective countries. 

Racines is a Moroccan non-profit organisation advocating for the integration of culture into public, human, social and economic policies. Racines is born from the desire of Moroccan cultural actors, convinced that the issue of culture is common to African countries (weakness of cultural policies, lack of involvement of the States, non-recognition of culture as a human right, weak creative industries, lack of protecting artists’ rights, lack of training in cultural jobs…). Racines’ projects are articulated around cultural policies (research, advocacy, mapping), arts and culture for social change, entrepreneurship, cultural management training, artistic freedom, artists’ rights and status.

MARSAD is a project lead by Racines and developed in partnership with:

  • Our Culture First,an association based in Tunis, Tunisia, works on promoting cultural initiatives at national and local level, through capacity development approaches and a national exchange platform.
  • El Madina for Performing and Digital Arts, based in Alexandria, Egypt, develops projects through training, production, and management of culture spaces.
  • Me’Zaf, based in Beirut, Lebanon, is a musical cultural initiative whose main focus is the authentic music of the Levant. By implementing research projects and musical activities intends to reintegrate this music in our current scene, as a contemporary creation tool.



Website: www.racines.ma

Website: www.artmap.ma

Website: www.pratiquesculturelles.ma 

Facebook pages:



Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/107702075957633


Website: www.mezaf.org

Our Culture First 

Website: www.oct.org.tn

El Madina for Performing and Digital Arts 

Website: www.elmadinaarts.com


Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Marsad2017/

SubgranteesFirst call

The project intents to provide a complete musical formation which combines many kinetic, cognitive and emotional sensory aspects in 4 different groups: percussion, singing, string-playing and keyboard-playing. The project will start after a working session with the school supervisors and institutors in order to present the project’s methodology and working plan. This programme will be accompanied with educational travels to other places where conservatories are located, attempting to integrate the child with impaired vision with others in Tunisian society.

A musical production will be presented at the end of the implementation period.

MADA is led by the Association Musicale ElOns, whose main aim is to build values such as citizenship, tolerance, freedom and democracy by implementing musical education programmes amongst young people; in cooperation with Ecole primaire des aveugles, a public school for blind students. Both institutions are based in Sousse, Tunisia.


Association Musicale ElOns:

Ecole primaire des aveugles:

Related news

MADA: Music contributes to social inclusion for visually impaired children

effective writers
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims to improve the abilities of young writers and strengthen the role of culture in social cohesion at community level. It will be implemented in Gaza strip, West Bank, and Tunisia. Thirty young writers with disabilities, from Palestine and Tunis, will take part in training program on writing skills, modern publishing techniques but also on the right of expression and the rights of people with disabilities. Project will support launching of electronic forum for young writers with disabilities, the first of its kind in the region.

The project is led by the Social Developmental Forum, a Palestinian based CSO, that provides various developmental services for a wide range of social sectors; in partnership with General Union for Palestinian Writers, an institutional union for Palestinian writers; and Fanni Raghman Anni Association, a non-profit association based in Tunisia, working to fight marginalisation and defending freedom of expression and creativity in young people.


Social Developmental Forum:

General Union for Palestinian Writers:

Fanni Raghman Anni Association:

Lets Write_05
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims at reviving the Tunisian literary scene by empowering young writers. The main activities will consist on creating poetry, short stories and debate forums. It targets high school and university students, especially its female population. As ending result a book containing chosen texts written during the project implementation period, will be published.

The main project organisation is Tounes Al Fatet, a cultural and education association based in Tunis, dedicated to enhance the active participation of youth in public life, and in all forms of creativity. The project partner is the Cultural club Tahar Haddad, based in Tunis and dedicated to the artistic development of youth.


Tounes Al Fatet:

Cultural club Tahar Haddad:

SubgranteesFirst call

The project will consist of educational visual arts and music workshops, theatre-forum, cinema club and monthly events. To involve fifty boys and girls from Tunisia, age 12 to 18, in artistic creation, with an aim to bring closer art and culture to popular neighbourhoods and fragile social groups. One of project goals is to raise awareness among youth regarding human rights issues and the ways to defend themselves by staying away from violence and fundamentalism.

The project is led by Mass’Art Association for alternative culture, that works on the dissemination of culture and art in Tunisia’s popular neighbourhoods, in partnership with Social protection centre for youth in Tunis, a public institution caring for the youth who are living in difficult situations.


Mass’Art Association for alternative culture:

Social protection centre for youth in Tunis:

cinema clubs
SubgranteesFirst call

This project aims to enhance the capacity of cultural operators in the cinematographic field. In that purpose, twenty cultural workers from different regions in Tunisia will meet during the second edition of the training programme Cinema Clubs 2.0. The project will focus on supporting and strengthening the skills of Tunisian cultural operators and building professional networks. In total there will be organised three training seminars, two master classes and several visits to film clubs in the regions of Kairouan, Djerba, Medenine, Monastir, Kef, Gabès and Hammamet.

The Project is led by the Tunisian Federation of Film Societies, a non-governmental organisation empowered to spread culture through films; in partnership with Culture Resource (Al Mawred Al Thaqafy), a cultural organisation based in Egypt that supports Arab artists and the growth of the independent cultural sector.


Tunisian Federation of Film Societies:

Culture Resource: