This project will actively involve Palestinian women, elderly citizens and local grass-root organisations in the preservation of intangible cultural heritage that is in danger of extinction. Traditional songs are no longer in use and are remembered only by old people. Women from Women House Development Center will visit villages and refugee camps in the area of Tulkaram; to make sound and written recordings, assemble lyrics in a booklet and record songs on a CD. The project hopes to be only a starting initiative that will raise awareness of this issue and involve important stakeholders that will assure continuation of this practice.
The project is led by Women House Development Center, a place of gathering, creation and learning for local woman; in partnership with Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare, providing social and educational assistance to children and families in need. Both are non-profit associations based in Palestine.
Women House Development Center:
Al-Awda Center for Childhood and the Young Welfare: