SouthMed CV, a project funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture, will launch two calls for proposals in the period 2015 – 2017 in order to support and promote over 30 innovative and contextually relevant cultural projects, towards the empowerment of cultural operators in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, and Tunisia.
SouthMed CV seeks both to enhance the role of culture as a development factor, as well as to strengthen the work and capacities of cultural operators and practitioners in the Southern Mediterranean region.
SouthMed CV was launched on 1st of April 2015 for a three-year period (2015-2018), implemented by a consortium led by Interarts in Spain, and five non-governmental organisations in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia and Germany.
“SouthMed CV corresponds really to what we need. We need funds and capacity-building especially for young cultural managers of our region”
“The impact of SouthMed CV will be to increase the awareness of the value of culture amongst the local communities in Egypt, and to use art as introduction for social transformation”