
Interarts, which coordinates SouthMed CV, announces the sub-granted projects and its beneficiaries. The number of submitted projects scoring above the threshold mark of 75/100 points has outnumbered the expectations. The allowed amount for the call being 500.000€, compelling the Assessment commission to grant ONLY those submitted and eligible proposals with a scored mark equal or […]

Status of the first call for proposals: The Value of Culture in the Southern Mediterranean Interarts, which coordinates SouthMed CV, announces the assessment results of the first call. The phase of selecting the admitted projects to be awarded begins now. For more information regarding your submitted application status: Not Eligible, Not Selected, Admitted.

Mohamed Ben Soltane B’chira Art Centre – Tunisia Mohamed Ben Soltane is a visual artist and curator exhibiting his work in Tunisia, Germany, Spain, Italy, Algeria, among other countries. He graduated in 2004 from Higher Institute of Fine Arts of Tunis. He obtained his PhD in 2015 after a research on the recognition of contemporary […]

Following the order of all guideline sections, below are some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) by applicants of the First Call. ELIGIBILITY 1. What is the difference between the main applicant and the partner? The main applicant must be legally registered as a non-profit cultural association from the following countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, […]